Manipulation & Mobilisation

We use manipulation and mobilisation to improve the mobility and function of your soft tissues, joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments. Sometimes, to aid us in this, additional treatment is required, like massaging, dry needling, ultrasound, stretching or traction, and specific exercises.
Manipulation refers to a technique, where we apply a manual impulse (thrust) to a joint. Spinal manipulations can relieve neck and back pain by taking pressure off sensitive nerves or tissue, increasing flexibility, restoring blood flow, and reducing muscle tension. Often, an audible popping or cracking sound is heard.
Mobilisation is a slower technique aimed at reducing joint pain and stiffness / hypermobility – allowing the joints to move freely in all the directions that they were designed for. It often requires that we break up inelastic or fibrous muscle tissue (myofascial adhesions, such as scar tissue), move tissue fluids, and relax muscle tension. We often need to apply traction or continuous exercise programmes to achieve normal range of pain-free joint motion.
Common Questions:
Depending on your condition, the treatment might cause you some discomfort. For example, massaging a very stiff muscle will require us to apply some deep pressure.
You might even feel more stiff or even tender (“bruised”) than you were before, but it should subside within a day or two.
Most commonly, you will experience an immediate increase in mobilisation / flexibility. However, proper treatment often requires follow-up appointments. It greatly depends on your condition or injury.
We aim to get our patients to optimal condition as quickly as possible.